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Monday, January 14, 2013



Caryl Churchill

Post-colonialism Theory is the extension of one's rule. It examines the effects of imperialistic views in postcolonial societies. Post-colonial theory also deals with the reading and writing of literature in previously or currently colonized countries, or literatures written in colonizing countries, which deals with colonization or colonized people.

The Plot Summary:

Act I

Clive, a British colonial administrator, lives with his family, a governess and servant during turbulent times in Africa. The natives are rioting and Mrs Saunders, a widow, comes to them to seek safety. Her arrival is soon followed by Harry Bagley, an explorer. Clive makes passionate advances to Mrs Saunders, his wife Betty fancies Harry, who secretly has sex with the servant Joshua and Clive's son Edward. The governess Ellen, who reveals herself to be a lesbian, is forced into marriage with Harry after his sexuality is discovered and condemned by Clive. Act 1 ends with the wedding celebrations; the final scene is Clive giving a speech while Joshua is pointing a gun at him.

Act II

Although Act 2 is set in 1979, some of the characters of Act 1 are reappearing – for them only 25 years have passed. Betty has left Clive, her daughter Victoria is now married to an overbearing Martin, and Edward has an openly gay relationship with Gerry. Victoria, upset and distant from Martin, starts a lesbian relationship with Lin. When Gerry leaves Edward, Edward, who discovers he is in fact bisexual, moves in with his sister and Lin. The three of them have a drunken ceremony in which they call up the Goddess, and after that characters from Act 1 begin appearing in Act 2. Act 2 has a looser structure than Act 1, and Churchill played around with the ordering of the scenes. The final scene shows that Victoria has left Martin for a ménage à trois with Edward and Lin, and they are sharing custody of their son Tommy. Gerry and Edward are on good terms again, and Betty becomes friends with Gerry, who tells her about Edward's sexuality.


This play fits the Postcolonialism Theory because this deals explicitly with the ‘double colonization' of women by both their male counterparts.
Essentially a gendered critique of familial and sexual roles in Victorian colonial society, the play comically utilises cross-dressing and role-doubling to explore the relationship between colonial and sexual oppression throughout history.